Does your employer care about your wellbeing?
Only 12 percent of employees (or 1 in 10) think so, according to a recent study.
Think about that. One in ten.
That means if you think your employer values your mental, physical, emotional and social health…there are 9 of your colleagues who don’t share your thought.
It’s impossible to accelerate achievement of your goals when your work and personal life get out of whack.
I often tell my clients the story of “Jayweezy” (he requested I called him by that name…I declined). Jayweezy was a 4th grade student I used to work with who practically ran the local elementary school. He would walk out of class whenever he wanted, pick fights with other students and even leave school and run around the building. My job was to “shadow” him and keep him on the right path. And you know what, after a couple of months of my support, he became like a son to me. You know the child that you raise your left eyebrow to and they’ll straighten up and fly right?
I helped Jayweezy to stay on the right path (at least on some days). What I didn’t tell you was how many hours it took to debug from working with Jayweezy after i got home. The worse his behavior got, the more my job spilled over into my family and home life. My weight fluctuated. I wasn’t resting well. All until I said “enough is enough” and made a change.
You probably find yourself in similar situations. And there are all types of ways to solve this problem. To exercise some degree of control over your life. To hit the elusive target of work-life balance.
Some days you may find yourself among the 88, and other days, among the 12. In response to a growing need among my clients, I have come up with a solution. I expanded life coaching to include work-life balance. The new program is simply called work-life coaching.
Work-life coaching provides the support and encouragement you need in maintaining balance in your personal, work and family life. It works well for:
- Managing work and life expectations
- Finding and resolving new sources of work-life conflict
- Reducing stress caused by overwork
- Setting quick priorities to accommodate tight deadlines
- Increasing overall well-being and productivity
- Improving your level of life focus
This coaching subscription program provides the support you need to clear log-jams and bottlenecks that you face in pursuit of your long-term goals. My clients enjoy the freedom to choose what they want to discuss with me in each session. They set their own agenda. You can too.
For more information, download the one sheet.

Filed under: Coaching, Focus, Goal Accelerator, Life Focus Tagged: Achievement, balance, Business, Careers, Coaching, life balance, Life focus, Personal Growth, Success, work life balance