Are You in a Balancing Act?
Are You in a Balancing Act? Are you stressed out? Or maybe you are flying through your day at 100 miles per hour and you’re about to reach your limit? You may even be at a place of burnout where your...
View ArticleMake Burnout a Thing of the Past
Are You in a Balancing Act? Have you ever been driving on the highway, take your hands off the wheel for a second and your steering wheels pulls your car to the left? That’s a sure sign that you need a...
View ArticleFinding Life Balance Using the 2 Life Wheels
My dad taught me how to ride a bike. And he taught me very well. So well, that within a year I taught myself how to ride with no hands. I distinctly remember concentrating so hard on my handlebars to...
View ArticleHow to Write A Resume Employers Love to Read using TagCrowd.Com
I wish I could tell you how many times I have printed off a 3 page job description to tailor my resume to a prospective employer’s job requirements. And then one by one, highlighted the most frequently...
View ArticleWhat’s the “Pharaoh” in Your Life?
I am in the middle of reading about the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt and had an AHA moment. I would like to share today’s journal entry with you: “This scripture (Exodus 7-8) now has new...
View ArticleFrom Purpose Driven to Purpose Fulfillment
This video is a must-see! Dr. Paula Price talks about the things that prevent us from fulfilling the purpose for our lives. Watch the video to see how to overcome failure and move forward with what you...
View ArticleTuesday Tip Week 2: Figure Out Which Business Goals Play Nicely Together
During the weekend of my wedding, I remember asking my best man to look in my planner for a piece of gum (…don’t ask). As he opened the front binder cover, he literally LOLed when he saw one of my...
View ArticleCultivate New HABs to Reach New Goals | Tuesday Tip Week 3
In her best-selling book Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott explains that she often asks two off-the-cuff questions when coaching executives. The first is: “What are you pretending not to know?” If by...
View ArticleDo You Have a Little Black Book of Business Ideas? | Tuesday Tip Week 4
Last week I posed the question “what are you pretending not to know?” Hopefully you’ve been thinking about it. This weekend, I actually thought about a time when I pretended not to know something that...
View ArticleAre Your Goals Worth Fighting For? | Tuesday Tip Week 5
Recently, I had a conversation with a friend and colleague, Arel Moodie, who built his motivational speaking career and other businesses from the ground up. He brought up a great point about big goals....
View ArticleHow You Can Change Your Life in 15 Minutes A Day
End of summer fun A pink elephant visited the Anderson household this weekend. A little something called “back to school”. Jamie, Arianna and I all started back to school yesterday. The start of...
View ArticleI’m Building My Boss’ Business…But What About My Own?!
Did you know that a guy named Thomas Dewey has shaped your life? Before you object, allow me to explain. I remember being about 10 years old and thinking about what I wanted to do after high school. My...
View ArticleCreate A Plan That Reflects Your Dreams | Tuesday Tip Week 8
Today is the first real day after summer. It’s one of those days after a long weekend where, if you’re anything like me, you have trouble focusing. And especially today. It still feels hot outside. But...
View Article2 Keys to Build Commitment to Your Goals
In Week 3, you read about the importance of HABs as support stuctures to goal acceleration. And last Tuesday, we discussed how crystallized plans reflect your dreams. This week I want to talk more...
View ArticleAre You Stuck? Find and Clear Your Log Jams | Tuesday Tip Week 10
Two weeks ago, my business flow came to a screeching halt. This past week, I got unstuck. Allow me to explain. A month or so ago, I talked to my business advisor about key projects to launch my...
View ArticleLeapfrog Over Your Obstacles | Tuesday Tip Week 11
In Week 8, we talked about creating a crystallized plan that supports goal achievement. When you build a structure around your goals, you can not only see your dreams in the background. It also makes...
View ArticleIs Adult ADHD a Liability or an Opportunity?
I don’t know about you, but focus is not something that I wake up with in the morning. My level of focus can shift throughout the day according to the work that needs to be done. Focus is not a gift....
View ArticleHow to Fully Engage Your Business Startup Goals
Two years ago, I met with one of my mentors and described to him how I was purposely holding myself back. I was working as an intern for his coaching company as a precursor to starting my own, all...
View Article2 Keys to Build Commitment to Your Goals
In Week 3, you read about the importance of HABs as support stuctures to goal acceleration. And last Tuesday, we discussed how crystallized plans reflect your dreams. This week I want to talk more...
View ArticleAre You Stuck? Find and Clear Your Log Jams | Tuesday Tip Week 10
Two weeks ago, my business flow came to a screeching halt. This past week, I got unstuck. Allow me to explain. A month or so ago, I talked to my business advisor about key projects to launch my...
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